Committees of the Executive Committee

In order to prepare resolutions to be taken as well as certain activities, the members of the Executive Committee are organized into committees. Each member of the Executive Committe is responsible for one committee.

Person responsible: Christine Dutoit-Räz

The Claims Adjustment Committee is responsible for fundamental issues relating to the adjustment of claims. Moreover, it ensures the high quality of claims processing and compliance with the claims regulations by the representatives of NBI & NGF and and monitors the implementation of the controlling and verification of claims.

Person responsible: Franziska Ravy-Widmer

The Compensation Body Committee is responsible for requests submitted to the Compensation Body due to violations of the legal obligation to settle claims correctly. Moreover, it answers fundamental legal questions relating to operational issues of the Compensation Body.

Person responsible: Armin Betschart

The Communication Committee ensures the proper implementation of the NBI's and NGF's communication strategy. It advises the Executive Committee in communication issues. Moreover, it is responsible for the public image of both associations and communicates with the press in cases of fundamental importance .

The Steering Committee deals with relationship questions between both associations and the managing insurer. It deals with fundamental issues concerning the management contract between the NBI and the NGF and the managing insurer.

Person responsible: Cédric Wiederkehr

The Committee of Finance and Actuarial Practice deals with financial matters beyond the competence area of the Investment Committee. Particularly, it defines the amount of annual contributions paid by motor vehicle owners to the NBI and the NGF. Moreover, it answers questions related to the underwriting business that are relevant for both associations (for example the issuance of Green Cards by insurance companies).

Person responsible: Andreas Scherrer

The Investment Committee is responsible for the proper implementation of the investment policy of both associations. It advises the Executive Committee in investment affaires and monitors investment transactions carried out in the name of both associations. Amongst other competences, the Investment Committee is in contact with the banks active for the NBI and the NGF.

Person responsible: Kathrin Nabholz-Lattmann

The Legal & Compliance Committee treats legal questions beyond the scope of responsibility of the other committees. It basically supports both associations to comply with current laws and regulations.