COB Presidential Elections

The election process for the new COB presidency has begun. A new President and two new Vice Presidents are being sought for the term of office from the end of the 2025 General Assembly to the end of the 2030 General Assembly. COB members could submit their candidacies. A vote was held on the applications received. The following candidate Presidential College received the unanimous support of all voters:

  • Mr. Sorin GRECEANU, candidate for President,
    represents the European legislation on the protection of visitors and is the General Manager of BAAR, the Romanian Association acting as Green Card Bureau, Guarantee Fund, Compensation Body and Information Center. He is currently member of the Presidential College as Vice President.
  • Mr. Abderrahim DIOURI, candidate for Vice-President,
    represents the non-signatories of the Multilateral Agreement and is the Managing Director of the Moroccan Green Card Bureau (BCMA). He is currently member of the Presidential College as Vice President.
  • Mr. Daniel WERNLI, candidate for Vice-President,
    represents the signatories of the Multilateral Agreement and is President of the Swiss National Bureau of Insurance (NBI) and the Swiss National Guarantee Fund (NGF). He is also Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of the COB.

The result of the vote was presented to the Supervisory Board of the COB in December 2024. In accordance with Article 6.2.4 of the Standard Operating Procedures, the candidate Presidential College  will be proposed to the General Assembly in June 2025 for approval.